  • Women's Shoes, about 1875

    These are interesting shoes; likely a transitional shoes style popular just after the Civil War. They are machine sewn, but retain the straight soles that fall from favor shortly after the war. These are inexpensive, sturdy women's shoes worn by the ordinary housekeeper.

  • Girl's Dress, 1870-1880

    This dress is notable as a homemade attempt at fashion: the colors are typical of the period, but the styling a bit naive. The piecing of the lining material is quite resourceful. The length indicates that it would have been used by a girl.

  • Girl's Dress, about 1870

    This type of dress was very popular for railroad travel after the Civil War, and was probably worn in the summertime. One wonders if it functioned as a duster; however, it appears to be fairly close-fitting.