  • Girl's Dress, 1880-1885

    Straight, low-waisted, heavily knife-pleated girl's silhouette dresses were very common in the early 1880's; men's suit fashions were also often reflected in women's clothing of the period.

  • Girl's Dress, 1870-1880

    This dress is notable as a homemade attempt at fashion: the colors are typical of the period, but the styling a bit naive. The piecing of the lining material is quite resourceful. The length indicates that it would have been used by a girl.

  • Girl's Dress, about 1870

    This type of dress was very popular for railroad travel after the Civil War, and was probably worn in the summertime. One wonders if it functioned as a duster; however, it appears to be fairly close-fitting.

  • Girl's Wrap, about 1895

    This young lady's wrapper comes from the Scull family of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and was possibly worn by the daughter or granddaughter of Louise Ogle Scull. It appears to be an informal garment, used first thing in the morning. The train in the back is interesting - perhaps it was for a young woman who was rather short. The sleeves, which have some interesting piecing, indicate a circa 1895 date of manufacture. The vermicular printed fabric pattern is reminiscent of circa-1840 roller pri…