
13 Results

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  • Team portrait 1948 baseball.

    Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University

  • Portrait 1948 Golf Team.

    Back: W. Nossal, Russell (Coach), J. Peak. Front: G. Verville, F. Jawor, Jr., E. Maisevich. Photo is blurry.

  • Portrait 1948 Cross Country Team.

    Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University

  • 1948 Tennis Team Portrait.

    Back: E. Frazier, A. Plotkin, L. Yates, F. Kazanowski, N.G. Wann (Coach). Front: G. Gurman, R. Cochrane, J. Alexander, B. Siegel, L. Graves.

  • 1948 Baseball team.

    Back: R. Wenzel (Student Mgr.), J. Salvadore, G. Shuk, G. D'Ambrosio, J.E. Truskowski (Coach). Third: A. Zsanyuk, F. Holdsworth, M. Urdea, V. Hudie, C. Frankel. Second: J. Neubacher. B. Fagenson, H. Lapides, W. Cravens, S. Tarczy. Front: J. Rzepka, W. Jones, L. Gaffka, H. Rabinowitz, V. Jacaruso.

  • 1948 Cross Country Team.

    Front: C. Wegener, L. DeSmyter, J. White, C. Alexander, H. Mack. Middle: S. Fields, L. Mack, J. Hunt, I. Harvey, A. Cucuiat. Back: H. Smith, R. Brown, P. Demos, C. Lange, C. McDonald, H. White.

  • 1948-1949 Portrait Basketball Team with insets.

    Insets: Charles Frankel, Noah Brown. Back: Joel Mason (Coach), Edward Futrell (Asst. Coach), Dick Hall, Charles Dubas, Phil Stewart, James Rucinski, George Shuk, Arthur Swerdlow (Student Mgr.). Front: Robert Conibear, Nick Kluck, Al Guzzo, Lloyd Adelson, Ronald Condon, Donald Sherrod.

  • 1948-1949 Portrait Basketball Team.

    Back: F. Mulhauser (Coach), S. Adams, R. Hoffman, F. Simmons, R. Pershing, R. Langas, C. Theodore, E. Futrell (Coach) [mentioned as Asst. Coach in 37003]. Front: L. Colter, E. Zang, J. Tolwinski, J. Kastran, J. Seppla.

  • 1948 Baseball team.

    Back: R. Wenzel (Student Mgr.), J. Salvadore, G. Shuk, G. D'Ambrosio, J.E. Truskowski (Coach). Third: A. Zsanyuk, F. Holdsworth, M. Urdea, V. Hudie, C. Frankel (sp?),. Second: J. Neubacher. B. Tagenson (sp?), H. Lapides, W. Cravens, S. Tarczy. Front: J. Rzepa, W. Jones, L. Jaffka (sp?), H. Rabinowitz, V. Jacaraiso (sp?).

  • An action shot of the football team running a play.

    Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University

  • Portrait Basketball Team.

    Back: N.H. Ertell (Coach), G. Shuk, J. Ruscinski, C. Frankel, R. Hall, L. Adelson, J. Mason (Asst. Coach). Front: A. Guzzo, N. Brown, J. Alexander, R. Teasley, G. Ditzhazy.

  • An action shot of the football team running a play.

    Might be an away game, as a smokestack is visible behing the stands with what looks like an "M."

  • Portrait Track Team.

    Back: A. Foley, J. Dudley, L. Wingo, R. Rowan, A. Drabkowski, V. Florea, C. Wegener, E. Reum, C. Helwig. Second: D.L. Holmes (Coach), H. English, H. Greenburg, J. Palkowski, H. White, L. Taylor, R. Brown, W. Kraft, A. Palmby, J. White, E. Polk, C. Lange, I. Harvey, A. Tellis, W. Spring (Student Mgr.). Front: C. Cline, B. Waha, L. Carter, J. Whiting, L. Wright, C. King, P. Hutchison, I. Petross, J. Kindree, E. Coleman.