  • Suit of Coat, Vest, and Trousers, about 1920-1940

    According to our records, the suit belonged to Henry Ford.Born in 1863 on a farm in what is now Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford parlayed a youthful aptitude for engineering into a career as an automotive innovator and founder/president of Ford Motor Company. Among his ideas were the introduction of the first moving automobile assembly line, affordable pricing, fair wages for employees, and the vertical integration of manufacturing processes from raw materials to the finished product. His many phi…

  • Duster, about 1915

    The material does not feel as if it is all wool--perhaps wool and cotton or wool and linen. Worn by Willis C. Ward, it is typical in the styling of men's driving dusters. The material, however, is uncommon, as most dusters were generally linen. Willis C. Ward was born in 1861 to one of Michigan's wealthest families of the 19th century. His father David Ward, made his fortune in lumber and acquired and sold timbered land throughout the United States.