
3 Results

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  • Cross Country 1932. Won 7 straight, undefeated.

    Back: Cousineau, Bibin, Cantine, Brooks, Traynor, Robinwitz, D.L. Holmes (Coach). Front: Mantante (Mgr.), Kaminski, Chesquierre, Leach, Jaworski.

  • Jaworski, Leach, Cantine, Caminsky, Brooks, Traynor. Undefeated.

    Cross Country 1932. The six players are holding hands as they run.

  • Track 1932.

    Back: Pinski, Whiteford, Robinson, Rabinowitz, Framke, D.L. Holmes, Schwartz, Fitzgerald, Seip, Swanson, Lysagt, Lewis, Shapiro, Nosanchuk, Segerman, Lumsden. Middle: M. Brooks, Bailor, Jamkowski, Langtry, Russell, Parker, Schelter, Dobbins, cannell, Mandelaris, Pomeray. Front: Traynor, Tuzzolino, Goldstein, Brewer, Gaba, Lawrenz, Jenkins, Tryous. An athletic fieldhouse is in the background.