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  • Letter from Florence Nightingale to Maj. Gen. James Fife concerning irrigation budget cuts

    This letter to Maj. Gen. Fife speaks of Nightingale's concerns regarding needed irrigation work in India when budget cuts were almost sure to occur. She was concerned for the Indian people, and saddened by the recent famine and the ongoing Afghan war. She had great concerns and requested an immediate meeting with Maj. Gen. Fife, specifying she would like to meet with him the same day that the letter was delivered to him. She also asked him about the official number of deaths in the recent fam…

  • Follow up letter from Florence Nightingale to Gen. Maj. George Fife

    Nightingale begins by thanking Gen. Maj. Fife for materials she used to write reports and expressed interest in a particular article. She stated that she would like to meet with him to obtain his opinion on various matters having to do with irrigation and sanitary systems and procedures within areas of India where British soldiers were stationed and treated in hospitals.