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  • Record of food supplies as militart hospital in Scutari

    This image shows additional supplies that were purchased for British soldiers who were patients within military hospitals in Turkey during the Crimean War. These additional foodstuffs helped to establish an extra-diet kitchen, which supplied a more nutritious diet to patients, a system that continued from November, 1854, until July, 1855.

  • Letter from Florence Nightingale to Dr. W. Gill Wylie about the role and significance of nurses

    In this letter to Dr. W. Gill Wylie, Florence Nightingale speaks at length of the role that nurses play in the medical care of patients. She makes a point of saying that nurses are there to carry out the orders of doctors and surgeons; that they are not medical men nor medical women. She also states that it is her belief that nurses should be under the direction of a Matron, one who was very familiar with nurses and their management, as well as nursing procedures. Nightingale felt it was not …