  • Wedding Slippers, about 1830

    An attached mailing label reads: "From B. Shinberg, Gilbert Shoe Co., 151 Essex St., Haverhill, Mass." An included note indicates that that these were wedding slippers worn by a Mrs. Davis of Cambridge, MA around 1830. Shape of heel and toe suggest that the 1830 date is appropriate. White slipper/shoes such as this were typically used at weddings. The very slight wear corroborates this use.

  • Baby Booties, about 1930

  • Waistcoat, about 1830

    A remarkable example of French embroidery executed with dyed and flattened moosehair.The Upper Great Lakes Natives employed moosehair embroidery work on their goods; however, they clearly adopted French styles here for trade to Europeans.Canadian museums contain a few similar examples, but this is rather rare.