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ADAM, from tlie dust did God create,

To dwell in Eden’s bowers, in blissful state; But Sin — a serpent we should ever shun,— Poisoned a life so happily begun.


BENJAMIN’S cup was found, it is true,

In the mouth of his sack, and the gold with it, too; But poor little Ben, though in very great grief,

Had this joy to sustain him — he wasn’t a thief.

CAIN was a man of wild passions, ’tis said;

Abel was gentle as the lambs that he led:

They were brothers; but Cain very envious grew Of his dear gentle brother, whom he wickedly slew.

DANIEL refused to obey the decree Of a king, who commanded that God should not be In‘worship bowed down to. The king threw him, then, All defenceless, he thought, in the wild lion’s den.

But the God whom he worshipped was with him to save From the wrath of two kings,— king beast and king knave.

EYE of the fruit of all trees might make food In the garden, save one, that of Evil and Good.

And the snake that we read of is the very same devil That tempted poor Eve, and that tempts us to evil.

A FROG is a very small, mean-looking thing;

But here are some frogs that once frightened a king!

So despise not God’s creatures, however lowly their fate, For an army of frogs conquered Egypt the great.


GOLIAH, a giart^f terrible size,

Clad in armor, all up from the feet to the eyes,

Met in battle young David, who was afterwards king, With no armor but Faith,— yet a very good thing,

For by this, David slew him with a stone from a sling.

HAGAR— poor Hagar, in agony wild,

Prays for some water to give her dear child; And God, who is ever a hearer of prayer, Sends his angel to save in the hour of despair.


ISAAC, no murmur escaping him, laid,

At the word of his father, his neck ’neath the blade; And that father, the Father of life to obey,

Raised his arm his dearly beloved to slay.

Thus a lesson of two-fold obedience was taught,

Ere the ram that we see in the thicket was caught.

JACOB, journeying, prayerful, friendless, lone, Pillows, to sleep, his head upon a stone.

God sends, to comfort him, in dream of even, Angels on ladder, reaching down from heaven.

KING! — The people of Israel asked fora king:

God told them they asked for a very bad thing.

But they still sought a king, to be “ like other nations; ” So the Lord let them follow this silliest of fashions.

11 LOT, from Sodom escape ! with your family, fly! Ere the judgment of God pours down from the sky. Escape for your lives ! neither look back nor halt 1 ” Mrs. Lot did look back, and was turned into salt.

MOSES, early saved from death by water,

By God’s kind care through Pharaoh’s daughter, By strange coincidence, from water saves The hosts whom Pharaoh drove into the waves; And when again he led them as a flock,

Their lives he saved by water from the rock.


NOAH, who by faith saw the fierce deluge pour,

Was forty years building his ark for that hour.

Tho’ oftentimes mocked, yet his faith stood the shock, As his ark stood the waves. Tis sinful to mock.

OG, King of Bashan, a proud remnant — the last Of those wonderful giants whose deeds fill the past, Slept on bedstead of iron, full nine cubits long,

And four cubits wide, which, like him, was made strong. But, said Israel, u 0 giant! thy strength we defy ! ”

And they conquered King Og at the field Ed-re-i.


PHARAOH Hod's people to the sea pursued, With armed bands, in proud and vengeful mood ,* The sea, obedient to the prophet’s rod,

Received and bore them through a path, dry shod. Onward rushed Pharaoh, with his raging host,— The waves enveloped them, and all were lost.

QUEEN- ESTHER grieves — in Shushan’s palace mourns : At Haman’s plot her indignation burns.

Heroic virtue pleads against despair,

And wins the day—as heaven is won — by prayer.

RUTH loved Naomi — would not leave her lono —

But Orpa, like the world, wept — kissed—was gono 1 The Lord a recompense in full bestowed:

She reaps (not gleans) what her kind heart hath, sowed.

SAMSON swerves not from his path To avoid a lion’s wrath.

Nor from duties e’er should wo,— Though beset by lions! — flee.

TRUMPETS no uncertain strain E’re should sound on battle plain.

Not such blast as that, I trow,

Crusl^d the wall's of Jericho.

Nor uncertain shall that be * The last that sounds — to thee and me.

URIAH’S murder such sad wrongs portray,

As mark sin’s progress to our later day.

As oaks from acorns, from small errors grow,

Theft, intrigue, murder — all the train of woe.


Vashti, fearless, yet afraid, kept the law, yet disobeyed ;«

For, by law the Persian claims, strangers shall not see his dames.

But this law the king, besotted deep in wine, most like forgot it;

So ho sent his little eunuch, in white pants and yellow tunic,

To command his royal spouse to aftend the night’s carouse.

Vashti disobeyed most queenly—and was banished—oh, how meanly!

WIZARD or witch, of Endor as of Eld,

Hav£ from society been long expelled;

But Endojr’s witch prophetic visions read,

And Samuel prophesied when he was dead. From the dead prophet’s lipS the ears of Saul Received death’s summons, and obeyed the call.

XERXES, Persia’s King, on slaughter Bent,—as kings, we know, were wont, Bridges built, to cross the water Of the far-famed Hellespont.

In barbaric pomp and splendor, Poured his legions into Greece: Greece had heroes to defend Ijer — Witness thou, 0 Salamis!

YOUTH should present reverence show To the youth of long ago!

For yon form in life’s decline Once was young and bright as thine.

The children mocked: the prophet’s prayer Consigned them to the hungry bear.

ZACHARIAH, a prophet of old,

Talks with an angel at night; and behold,

Riding upon a red horse, in his sight,

A man, and behind, horses speckled and white. Of visions, and.omens, and angels, the day Has passed; and a brighter, a holier way Of communion is open’d; — a Saviour hath risen, To win us from earth and from sin up to heaven.


Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run;

Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise,

To pay thy morning sacrifice.

Thy precious time mispent, redeem ;

Each present day thy last esteem;

Improve thy talent with due care;

For the great day thyself prepare.

In conversation be sincere,

Keep conscience as the noon-day clear j Think how all-seeing God thy ways,

And all thy secret thoughts, surveys.

All praise to thee, who safe hast kept,

And hast refreshed me while I slept;

Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake.


Almighty God, who hast made all things, and preservest all that Thou hast made, I thank Thee for having refreshed me with comfortable sleep, and brought me to the beginning of the present day. Protect me in it, I pray Thee, by Thy love, and give me grace to be dutiftd and obedient to my parents and teachers, kind and affectionate to all my companions; keep my heart from all murmurings, discontent, and unkindness; and let me, I pray Thee, be always thankful for Thy mercies; make me to remember that Thine eye is in every place^beholding the evil and the good; that I may never do anything which I know to be displeasing in Thy sight. And help me, by Thy Holy Spirit, to grow in grace, and in Thy favor, that when I die I may be received into heaven, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.


For light and shade — for day and eve,

* My lieart-felt thanks, 0 Lord, receive.

The glorious light that fills the skies At morning, when I ope my eyes;

The grateful shade around me spread At evening, when I seek my bed;

For these, 0 God, I grateful raise My heart and voice in prayer and praise.

Tor these, and all the blessings, Lord,

That cluster round Thy written Word;

For those, and every kindred booh,

I’ll praise Thee night, and morn, and noon — I’ll fear thee, too, and then I’ll ne’er Have aught beside on earth to fear.

Oh, in this fear and love, I pray For heavenly guidance day by day;

Teach me in wisdom’s path to keep,

Nor o’er my daily duties sleep;

That, when the sleep of death shall come,

Thy voice may wake and call me home.

H. Mason.

Chelsea, Sevlember, 1852.


Father in Heaven, it is through Thy care that I am brought to the evening of this day. Thou hast preserved me from many dangers which I could not see, and has kept me from evil, both of body and soul. Now that I am going to lie down to sleep, I pray Thee to forgive all my sins past, and inake.me to do l/etter for the time to come. Bless my parents and all my relations and friends — guard us through the night, and when we rise in the morning, let us remember to than^Thee for Thy care; which I ask through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven : give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead' us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.




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