Through a generous donation from DTE, Wayne State is able to provide
researchers with access to digitized copies of aerial photos of Detroit
and area for the period 1949 to 1997. The collection consists of a series
of low resoloution (72 dpi) and high resolution (600 dpi) pdf files. Use
the links below to open a base map of a county for a given year and then
use the links on the base map to open a photograph.
Please note:
- 2023: Please note, this collection only works in Firefox.
The interface for this collection relies on browser handling of PDFs. A link layer in the PDF leads you to the actual photographs corresponding with the link's geographic location. As browsers evolve, they may change their interaction model with PDFs, possibly making it difficult to access links in a PDF.
72 DPI |
600 DPI |
Livingston / Ingham |
Macomb |
Monroe |
Oakland |
St. Clair |
Washtenaw / Lenawee |
Wayne (including City
of Detroit) |
City of Detroit |
| |